The moment we hear the word pests we think of them as nuisance because they often create havoc in our homes and offices and pose some potential health risks. However, if we closely look into their habitat we will find them having some incredible abilities which are fascinating. These amazing orders or abilities in which they work help them to get their food and shelter. Their survival abilities and strategic working make them formidable living organisms in the animal kingdom. Whether we are talking about the discipline of ants or the agility of cockroaches each one has its own, with these abilities apart from getting fascinating also explains the necessity of proper pest control which you get by consulting Elmhurst Pest Control, to maintain a healthy environment for quality life at home and productive work at the office. This nuisance must be addressed as early as possible to reduce as much damage as you can. Read this article to learn more about such superpowers of these common pests.
Commonly Found Pest and Their Superpowers
These are common pests which are seen in our home and offices, and due to their small size they are underestimated. However they have strength which is incredible from nature as they can lift objects 50 times more than their actual weight, as a human is lifting a car. Apart from this strength there is this discipline that they follow and it helps them solve all the issues because they can promptly project their territory incase of emergencies and build them up. This military discipline is followed by the way they follow a pheromone trail.
These are harder to catch and kill because of their abilities to live without a head as they do not use their head in breathing, also they are fast as in they can go 3 miles per hour though this might not seem much to us and we think it is slow they are faster than any other insects, this makes it easy for them to slip past crevices with flexible exoskeleton. Also they are resilient as they have been at earth from millions of years adapting to every climate and conditions of the earth over the time.
We always align this pest as the source of diseases and it is true also, however their problem solving skills and intelligence is commendable regardless. They can navigate complex paths and mazes and solve traps and outsmarts tricks. Apart from this one there adaptability is also an amazing ability which allows them to survive in any kind of weather and as their sense of smell if highly developed it allows them to locate food.
While small in size they take actions on their prey and after the bite they realise you have been bitten by mosquitoes and are called silent hunters. They can detect you coming from 50m with the help of carbon dioxide or body heat.
They make the most incredible home for themselves with just their saliva and it is one of the finest silk on earth. Though they are admired and feared they are an excellent web- weaver. Different species have different types of web design they follow to make their nest. Also they have hydraulic pressure in their leg which allows jumping spiders to leap several times their weight
Though these are small nuisance as they have excellent flying abilities, with the help of their 360 degree eyes it is easier for them to detect threats and leave the place faster. With excellent agility because of their wings which beats 200 times in a second allowing them smooth movement. Also their ability to stick on literally anything makes it harder for you to swat them away, this is because their tiny claws and pads on them allow the stability on surfaces like ceiling and walls.